Wajir Peace and Development Agency (WPDA)

Phone No.

+ 254 46 421 359

Email Address

[email protected]

Wajir peace and development agency (wpda)

Social Empowerment

Gathering and sharing new evidence from current programmes is central to WPDA’s work. Drawing on many years of experience implementing community peace and security in different contexts, over the next 3 years WPDA will:

  • Create civil society partnerships and relationships with key influencers in Kenya to help raise the profile of the peacebuilding peace building sector and the issues that WPDA works on.
  • Push for the implementation of the 12 pillars in Wajir County Action Plan on CVE flagship activities.
  • Identify opportunities to engage senior officials from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Border Management Committees (BMCs) and the senior government officials for operationalization of border posts/customs office. WPDA through Peace programme 111 has invested heavily to lobby for the customs office to counter the illegal counterfeits.
  • Fostering cooperative engagement between national and county officials, citizens and civil society organizations.
  • Promote Community led peace initiatives (women, youth, men – Alternative Dispute Resolution model, Early warning and response.
  • Continue with the capacity building of peace actors e.g. Border Management Committees (BMCs), peace committees, law enforcement etc.
  • Provision of Peace dividends e.g. water sources, pasture, restocking, revolving funds, Mobilising and support youth for business start-ups and craft knowledge, machine and equipment repairs and manufacturing, IT systems and programmes, Mobile telephony value chain, Youths sports and arts.

The expertise, professionalism and commitment of WPDA staff is at the heart of its work and value for money. At a time when the institution memory of peace process